저자 : Russell Freedman, illustrated by Peter Malone
출판사 :
저작권자 : Holiday House, Inc./
번역출판사 :
번역판제목 :

국가 :
분류 : 논픽션그림책>보스톤 차 사건
대상 : Ages 7?10
출간일 :
분량 : 40 pages
1773년 12월 16일 밤 미국 식민지의 주민들이 영국본국으로부터의 차(茶) 수입을 저지하기 위하여 일으켰던 사건- Boston Tea Party에 대한 그림책 입니다. *Russell Freedman's awards and honors include a Newbery Medal, three Newbery Honors, and the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award. In 2007, he received the National Humanities Medal. Peter Malone's fine artist prints are widely collected. His illustrations have appeared in The New Yorker and on British Royal Mail stamps as well as in many books for children.

More than any other event, the Boston Tea Party of 1773 has come to stand for the determination of American colonists to control their own destinies. From the arrival of the ships full of controversial taxed tea in Boston Harbor, through the explosive protest meetings at the Old South Church, to the defiant act of dumping 226 chests of fine tea into the harbor on December 16, Freedman captures this exciting story. Source notes, a bibliography, a time line, an afterword, a historical map, and index.

