저자 : Anne Watts
출판사 : Simon & Schuster
저작권자 : Blake Friedmann Literary Agency, Ltd.
번역출판사 :
번역판제목 :
국가 :
분류 : 회고록
대상 :
출간일 : 2010.3.27
분량 : 400 pages
Ann Watts는 1940년대 north Wales에 있는 작은 마을에서 자랐다. 학교에서 지리학 수업 중 멀리 있는 다른 나라들에 영감을 받은 그녀는 2차 대전 직후의 영국에서의 편안한 삶을 버리고 Merchant Navy의 선원인 아버지의 구식 사고방식에 도전한다. 그녀는 간호사로 그리고 조산원으로 훈련을 받고 Save the Children Fund에 합류해 1967년 베트남에 배치된다. 그곳에서 단지 3명의 영국 간호사 중의 한 명으로서 Anne은 그녀가 맨체스터의 Royal Infirmary의 훈련에서는 상상하지 못한 지옥과 같은 현장과 마주한다. 깊은 밑바닥에 던져진 그녀는 무작위한 전쟁의 잔인함을 목격하며 상처받은 사람들과 버려진 아이들을 간호하며 그들의 상처를 살피고 죽어가는 군인들을 보살핀다. 그녀는 계속해서 캄보디아의 Pol Plot's Khmer의 희생자들 뿐만 아니라 이스라엘 점령 동안의 레바논 사람들, 걸프전 동안의 사우디 아라비아의 사람들을 간호한다. 45년이 넘도록 Anne은 그녀의 용기와 열정을 가장 필요로 한 곳에 그것들을 쓴다. 이 생생하고 압도적인 회고록은 가장 감동적인 이야기로 Anne이 10살 되던 해에 벌어진, 그리고 훗날 그녀의 운명을 결정짓는 큰 계기가 된, 충격적인 가족의 비극으로 엉망이 되어버린 그녀의 시골에서의 어린 시절과 함께 잘 엮여있다.
관련 리뷰
‘Anne Watts’s first, intensely moving book is published this month and she is at work on the second. Earlier this month she celebrated her 70th birthday. Two of the Cambodian children among the 40,000 on the Thai border came to the UK for the event, which coincided with her book launch. One of them was Ly Vichuta, daughter of Cambodia’s former minister of justice. Vichuta was 10 years old when she was warned by neighbours not to go home as the Khmer Rouge had taken her father and her siblings. She never saw them again. Vichuta is now a lawyer who has set up a charity in South-East Asia providing legal aid for children and women who have been rescued from human traffickers. Anne gave Vichuta an English dictionary 31 years ago and she was holding it aloft as they were re united at London’s St Pancras station. “She was always an incredibly bright girl and she said she had learned every word in that dictionary,” says Anne, humbled by the impact of her gift.’
Jane Warren, Daily Express
‘One way or another, war has shaped and dictated the remarkable life story of nurse Anne Watts... Now approaching her 70th birthday, Watts has put pen to paper and recorded her truly incredible story as a tribute to the children to whom she brought hope, and the young soldiers whose hands she held as they died. And what shines through the horror, the pain and the utter futility of war is Watts’ inspirational devotion, her spirit of adventure and her will to alleviate suffering whatever or wherever it might be. Her story is made all the more extraordinary by a bizarre and shocking sequence of events ? a tragic reminder of the consequences of the buttoned-up Fifties ? which destroyed her childhood and culminated in her mother’s premature death. But Watts is a survivor...she learned from her experiences but never allowed them to inhibit her own capacity for compassion. …ALWAYS THE CHILDREN is a humbling, terrifying, shocking and yet strangely uplifting story of one woman’s selfless devotion and her undiminished determination to alleviate the suffering of her fellow human being. If you only read one book in 2010, make it this one.’
Pam Norfolk, Lancashire Evening Post and The Manchester Evening News:
‘Sometimes a person’s life story will bring you up short and put things in perspective. This is one such book…Anne Watt’s memoir has so many impressive elements, it’s hard to give it the praise it, and she, deserves…her memories of that time are heart-rending and inspirational…This is a tale of real courage and devotion to other people’s children; the word heroine has rarely been used so pertinently.’
Abigail Kemp, Manchester Evening News